We carefully and thoroughly review all facets of the building process such as budgets, drawings and schedules with key management groups.
We will provide the client with accurate, appropriate information and guidance about the project prior to commencement.
We will provide an accurate estimate of materials, costs and timeframes in an effort to minimize unexpected expenses, delays, or other major obstacles after construction has begun.
We may suggest construction alternatives and options to improve designs, manage project costs, or timelines with the intent of improving the Client’s long-term investment.
We bring a proven team with experience to plan, execute and complete the project successfully.
Before construction begins, it is essential to accurately determine the overall scope of the project. This activity requires experience, systematic and careful consideration of all aspects of the work.
Management is more than a company’s employees. It includes the supervision of all facets of a project. Some of these are: resources, risk, and budgets, engineers, subcontractors and business alliances. Jensen Building Ltd.’s management style represents a steady positive influence on every member of the team. On-site workers know that everyone’s safety is of prime importance and that their input regarding site operations is welcome. Safety and open communications are important elements of excellent management style.
Communication must be direct, clear and concise while schedules must be complete and flexible. Through regular progress meetings and centralized reporting you will see your goals achieved on time. Technology plays a key role. All privy parties (Clients and key contract personnel) receive schedules and reports and other relevant information through the use of the industry’s most current software packages. When information regarding the progress status of the project is modified, this information is immediately updated and key personnel informed. Dependant on project size and complexity, Jensen Building Ltd. facilitates weekly project review meetings. The Client is kept up to date and fully informed about the progress of their project and given opportunity to make comment and observation about the work plan utilizing this process.
Project financing, availability of materials and equipment are crucial elements that present a significant challenge on any construction project. Jensen Building Ltd. draws on experience, professional business relationships and current business and construction technologies to mitigate these risks. During the scoping and estimating phase, all expenses are considered and available for review and discussion. Fluctuations occurring during the construction phase such as resource scheduling, materials and equipment availabilities, and permit requirements are considered. Ongoing resource planning and baseline analysis ensures that your project data is up to date. Jensen Building Ltd’s clients always know exactly how their project is progressing. As a client of Jensen Building Ltd., you will be able to deal with the myriad of facts, figures, considerations and decisions with confidence.
Technological advancements are the cornerstone of the Jensen Building Ltd. methodology. We use several software packages to achieve the best results, by utilizing technology, Jensen is on the cutting edge of estimating and bid/cost analysis, enabling us to consistently capture the best solution, while maintaining the quality we are known for. The entire building process (including inter-actions among key build-out factors) are considered, analyzed and reported in real-time. Every individual who has a vested interest in the project can have input on detailed and accurate centralized progress reports or see scheduling changes instantaneously. Fast, on time and accurate, high quality reports provide excellent visibility for your project success. In addition to business tools integration, Jensen makes use of the newest and most appropriate construction methodologies. Using the most current and appropriate materials, building processes and design techniques, ensures your investments will retain their value over the long term.
Jensen Building Ltd. will align itself with you to best achieve your requirements. Whether it be Design/Build, Project Management or Fixed Price Jensen is well poised to handle your Project. Jensen Building Ltd. will leverage its keen understanding of cost-estimation and creative building experience to ensure you receive the best available solution. You will have cost certainty and Jensen will, through strategic partnerships, astute management combined with delivery and construction excellence, make it happen.
Project Management
Jensen Building Ltd. carefully and thoroughly reviews all facets of the building process such as budgets, drawings and schedules with key management groups.
Recognizing that construction is not a linear task and there will inevitably be obstacles during the progress of the work, the management of Jensen Building Ltd. initiates immediate oversight and intervention to ensure on time project completion and client satisfaction. Construction timelines and milestone management is a key business premise for Jensen Building Ltd. and by focusing on this it has enabled us to achieve superior on time and on budget performance.
It is not planning for what you know, but planning for the unforeseen that makes for a successful General Contractor / Client experience. Care in planning, attention to detail coupled with Jensen management involvement and leadership makes for a successful project.
Jensen Building Ltd. strives to ensure that there will be no unexpected concerns for the client at the outset. When we develop and present an estimate, we bring the foreknowledge of costs for every aspect of the project and deliver in a clear and concise format. We will have discussed prices and received estimates from other professionals including architects, engineers, construction and trade specialists, financial advisors and project representatives in advance. We will have applied our experience from previous projects in order to develop a comprehensive proposal that clearly demonstrates the costs, timelines and variables.
Get in Touch

640 Cataraqui Woods Dr., Unit 1B,
Kingston, ON K7P 2Y5

Let's Build Your Vision!
If you are contemplating a project in the Industrial, Commercial, Institutional or multi-residential sectors, contact us to learn about how we can assist you.